Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

first of all, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! it's one of my favorite day of the year (besides christmas) and sadly, i didn't celebrate halloween like many countries did because in here, they don't celebrate halloween. anyway i always have my own tradition of halloween. this day started with me waking up with a big grin, excitement and halloween spirit even though i have an early morning school. after i showered, i did my halloween dance. i put on my shrek headband and began to dance randomly around my room. lol. then i went (headband still on) to the kitchen where my parents were eating. "ITS HALLOWEEN! HAHAHAHA" i yelled like i always do in halloween morning. but this time, i added my famous creepy laugh at the end. trust me, you don't want to see me laughing because my laughs are just, oh well... 

i came to school late, 7.05 and thank god i wasn't exactly late, the morning prayer hasn't started yet so i put my fist in the air and screamed YES. but before your mind put you in some thoughts that i'm crazy or something, i didn't do that in front of my friends. and yes i'm not that stupid -.- when the morning prayer started, that's when i realized that the class was smell like a weird stinky kind of smell. "i think there's a death body hided in our class considering today's halloween" my bestfriend absurdly said. and i just looked at her like those WTF looks. and that's how my halloween day started. and thanks to the smell that we only had like 3 hours of lesson out of 8. HA

today's the last day on october. have you made your november wish? mine's done. and have you thought about your bad behavior? mine's tonight. looking back from the 1st day of october to this day, 31st. each day each memory. the memorable last school trip on junior high, the nerve-wracking high school entrance announcement, fights with boyfriend, early birthday present. it was rough but in the end i got over it and i had lessons that i can learn from it. so, i'm ready to let go of the unfulfilled dream, the lost hope, the drama and i'm ready to jump high to reach the dream i had. goodbye october, hello november :) 

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